Friday, May 29, 2015

Searching for Paradise

Who doesn't love to travel? School is out for the summer and its that time for family vacations again. For college, I moved to Alabama to be close to the beach. Those were my priorities at the time. I wish I could say I grew up but I still live here in South Alabama and I am still searching for paradise. I guess many of us look forward to trips of relaxation and rest because we have all lost it since the expulsion in the garden of Eden. The tropical vibe we want does not only have to be met in a vacation. Finding temporary relief to our busy work schedules and everyday demands of children leaves us feeling empty and unfulfilled.

I know what it means to live temporally. I am one of those people planning the next vacation as soon as I come home from my last trip to paradise. At first it was a vacation to Gulf Shores, then, Destin, and now, I want to go to Bora Bora. I am picturing swaying Palm trees, rushing blue waves, and white sand. The tropics get me every time. This insationable need to experience bliss and the next best place is never ending. It doesn't have to be a place, this need for beauty can be temporarily filled with other pleasures of people and things. All pleasure seekers need not look to Maui, wine, or food. The next book, movie, or theme park won't fulfill your desires either.  Now, there is nothing wrong with some r and r but I realize it has become my focus when my friends say, "how long are you at the beach this time or weren't you just on a trip?"

As much as I know this mentally I keep having to remind myself daily that my paradise RESIDES in the creator, the I AM, the One True God,  Jesus. If you feel restless and need a place to dwell go to the ONE who is the fountain of living water. He is not a temporary fix but a timeless presence. I guess I have been seeking rest in people, places, and things when God wants my reverence. I want to hold fast to Jesus' word and presence while living for his kingdom. The kingdom of people to be won and the Jerusalem to come are where my thoughts should be.  While I was searching for beauty God wants me to see His holiness and emulate that glory.

How in the world do I accomplish that? Four steps: God has called us to love him, abide in his word, share his message, while showing others his love. Sounds easy right? Wrong. Living for God is a process. One that will never be complete until we get to Heaven. That doesn't mean we can't start right now and have a little paradise here on Earth. In order to love him we have to know him first. We have to come to a point when we say Jesus, I want you to be my Lord and Savior. I want you to reign over my life and forgive me of my sins. I accept your sacrifice of your body on the cross as a covering of my sins and I choose to have a relationship with you. Jesus is faithful. He will wash you clean of all sin and he is just to restore you to who he wants you to become. He did that just for me, a sinner through and through. Next, you have daily time in the Bible and prayer. This reading of the word daily will help you turn away from old sins. The Bible is a living truth that will aid you with the help of the Holy Spirit to become new. Start out with ten minutes. Find a quick devotional online and crack open that Bible. I look for quiet places with no distractions. Finally, share with others your story. I used to be caught up with knowing all the right verses but now I just tell others how God has transformed my life. Memorization is always great but don't forget that you are the living example of how God makes all things new. That's it. Your love for Him will bloom along the way, I promise. For just as our need for pleasure is insatiable his love is irrisistable. He will fulfill all our needs. You just have to ask. Paradise will cover your heart and flow through your mind when you are full of his love. Here's a glimpse to what we have to look forward to:

Revelation 21:10-14- So he took me in spirit to a great, high mountain, and he showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. It was filled with the glory of God and sparkled like a precious gem, crystal clear like jasper. Its walls were broad and high,  with twelve gates guarded by twelve angels. And the names of the twelve tribes of Isreal were written on the gates. There were three gates on each side-east, north, south, and west. The wall of the city had twelve foundations stones, and on them were written the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb."

Revelation 21:18-20- The wall was made of jasper, and the city was pure gold, as clear as glass. the wall of the city was built on the foundation stones inlaid with twelve gems: the first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the six carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst.

This city, in all His Glory, represents and is our Beautiful God. Next time you look for something beautiful, something to brighten your day, look to God for he is the source of that desire and the fulfillment of all beauty. Fix your mind on things above (Jesus) and you can live in his presence. Now, that's what I call Paradise. You will be in awe of how glorious life with Him will be.

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